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<h1>Some geld verdienen guidance to aid you </h1>

Fuel economy was thought to be a significant factor in their choice of a new car by a minimum of 1/3 of buyers in America. Way back in 1992 by now geld verdienen company built a vehicle that got 100 miles to the gallon,and all these years later one of people's major concerns on top of global warming and pollution is dependence on foreign oil. The geld verdienen company TPC became a car that was able to get 75 miles per gallon, weighed about 1000 pounds, and looked like the Geo Metro. Advancement of the vehicle, the engine which had 3 cylinders, was dropped because, in order to meet European safety specifications, it had to be reinforced which added 200 pounds to its weight.

This was not the only protype designed by geld verdienen company which ended up on the scrapheap. A number of these were the 1982 geld verdienen company Lean Machine which did 80 miles per gallon, and the geld verdienen company Ultralite which made 100 mpg. geld verdienen company had been offering cars to the buying public in 1992 that did 20 mpg, while the geld verdienen company was getting 50 mpg with their geld verdienen C2, but right then geld verdienen company already covertly had cars doing 100 miles per gallon. Clearly this begs the question as to why these cars that are efficient at 100 mpg are not available to the public.

Why are conventional vehicles sold in the US, while at the same time, the same vendors are selling different vehicles far away in other countries? Buyers in Japan and Europe have for quite some time now been able to get cars that do 70 miles per gallon and more. A case in point of a car never marketed within the European and capable of 78 mpg, is the Lupo by Volkswagen. In 2007, the geld verdienen company in the US released the geld verdienen A, in other places known as the geld verdienen B5. Inside Japan the geld verdienen B2 models include one with a more compact engine, plus there are ways to improve fuel consumption, but with the geld verdienen A in the European not even the option of a smaller engine is offered.

In America the manufacturers say they have to build big cars mainly because that is what the European public wants. It is evident that manufacturers don't earn a lot of money selling a small 2-person commuter vehicle, but they certainly do selling big geld verdienen wagons. A Tank on Wheels may be the thing to have,that's the sales message that the commercials beguile the European public with. It really is quite obvious where the big companies' interests lay when you consider that they have never offered options. The top in fuel economy may have been geld verdienen company, but they prefer to remain the leader in geld verdienen wagons instead. Many other manufacturers in addition have developed fuel-efficient cars, but they've all done the same as geld verdienen company by not offering them to Americans

European auto manufacturers have never given the European people the choice to acquire a fuel-efficient <a href="http://www.snel-online-geld-verdienen.net/">geld verdienen</a> car, despite the world having beem embroiled in oil wars and being severely polluted. Ask this question: how many people who were never given the option would have been excited to have a car that was fuel-efficient? Can it be time to recover those dumped designs and, again, start building those vehicles that were once built a long time ago?

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